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HomeReviewTecgear Prime PF270G gaming monitor review: Incredible bang for your buck

Tecgear Prime PF270G gaming monitor review: Incredible bang for your buck

Tecgear Prime PF270G gaming monitor review: Incredible bang for your buck

Note: This review was first published on 12 June 2023.

Image Source: Tecgear

Satisfying the mainstream gamers

Tecgear is gunning aggressively for your wallet with the Tecgear Prime PF270G gaming monitor. Priced at a delectable S$209, this 27-inch screen goes all-in on its panel with a 1,920 x 1,080-pixel IPS display and up to a 165Hz refresh rate. While these specifications are far from the cutting edge, they are exactly what the vast majority of gamers are looking for in a gaming monitor.

Outside of the most demanding enthusiasts, most folks would be very satisfied by the buttery-smooth 165Hz refresh rate. At the same time, the modest 1080p resolution means that most systems will have no issues maintaining the upper range of that refresh rate, particularly when it comes to less taxing esports titles like League of Legends, Valorant, or Overwatch 2 – provided that one is equipped with a mid-tier graphics card.

For its price, theTecgear Prime PF270G delivers beautifully in terms of image quality. Its glossy coating helps with image sharpness and contrast, and thecolours are bright and vivid. The monitor also covers 100% of the sRGB colour space from our testing, just as Tecgear claims. The screen isn't necessarily the brightest, with a measured brightness of just under 200 nits at 100%, but I never felt like it was too dim. That said, you probably shouldn't have direct lighting above the monitor, and the glossy coating means that reflections are a big problem when viewing the screen from an angle.

However, the IPS panel means that it never quite comes close to the deep, inky blacks of an OLEDscreen. While not a concern since the screen is in the budget-tier range, it does help to align expectations since OLED screens are now more visibly present at wider price points and tech gear from notebooks to TVs.

Overall, an analysis by Datacolor's SpyderX Elite turned out a very respectable performance, particularly when it came to colour gamut and contrast levels.

When it comes to motion blur, the display does exhibit a degree of ghosting, but it's nothing too egregious. The 165Hz refresh rate doesn't quite compare to 240Hz monitors in terms of motion clarity, but it is more than good enough for most folks. You shouldn't find anything to worry about, even if you're playing fast-paced shooters that require pinpoint tracking. Here's further reading to assure you why 240Hz screens isn't for everyone.

Using our DSLR to capture a snap at Blur Buster's UFO Test in action.

Having said that, the attractive price means that something has to give. The thin bezels and panel give the monitor an exceptionally sleek and modern look, but the build quality is rather lacklustre. The plastic on the back panel creaks, and the stand is a thin piece of metal that offers no adjustability. The insubstantial base and attachment points mean that the screen also wobbles, which doesn't quite inspire confidence.

The stand is quite literally the monitor's biggest downside. It cheapens the entire build, and the installation makes you jump through a few additional hoops just to get the whole thing set up. Instead of a more convenient snap-on mechanism, you're required to tighten two screws, one that attaches to the back of the monitor and another at the base of the stand. The screws also sit rather deep in the stand, which means that threading them properly isn't the easiest. The assembly process reminded me of old-school screens from many years back when screw-based mounting was a norm.

The only thing positive about the stand is that it has a very compact footprint. While the center spine holding the screen is a really thin and uninspiring rod, it does also mean that the monitor is very adept at being placed on tables with very narrow depth.

Image Source: Tecgear

Fortunately, the monitor has a 100 x 100mm VESA mount, so you can ditch the stand for a monitor arm of your choice and take advantage of the full range of adjustability that it would offer. A monitor arm is almost a must-buy with this particular screen, especially if you need to reposition the screen to mitigateunwanted reflections that you can't plan to circumvent through clever positioning.

The OSD controls are also incredibly finicky. There are five buttons on the back of the screen, allowing you to toggle the power, display input, OSD menu, brightness, and more. A joystick is sorely missing for navigation, and it's easy to press the wrong button and switch display inputs or just turn off the monitor accidentally.

Image Source: Tecgear

Display inputs are rather limited, with just a single HDMI1.4 and DisplayPort1.2 connector. Nevertheless, that should be sufficient for most people simply looking for a budget-friendly option.


The TecgearPrime PF270G is a great option for anyone who doesn't have many dollars to spare on a monitor. It checks all the right boxes in terms of essentials, with a responsive 165Hz refresh rate andexcellent contrast that make for vivid images. Its slim bezels also make it look great, especially if you slap it onto a dedicated monitor arm.

At S$209, it offers incredible value, punching well above its weight in terms of image quality with an IPS panel. If you can overlook its stand and the lack of adjustability, this screen should leave you feeling quite satisfied.

For those interested, you can purchase one at Techbyte's Lazadastore or at Tecgear's website directly.

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