Tuesday, July 23, 2024
HomenewsCasio is taking its G-Shock watches to the metaverse

Casio is taking its G-Shock watches to the metaverse

Casio is taking its G-Shock watches to the metaverse

(Image source: Casio)

Casio is taking its G-Shock watches to the metaverse. Not Meta's metaverse, but VRChat's.

The Japanese watchmaker will be opening a "metaverse-based virtual store" on VRChat on 6 October 2023. It's the first time any watch brand has opened a space on the VRChat platform.

For the uninitiated, VRChat is an online virtual world where users can roam around with self-created avatars. It's similar to other virtual worlds like Second Life and Habbo Hotel.

The virtual G-Shock store will provide a watch customization service where users can create their own G-Shock watches and then equip them on their avatars.

Users can also purchase digital watch components from Booth, the global marketplace in VRChat, and use them to create virtual G-Shock watches for their avatars in the virtual G-Shock store and other VRChat worlds.

In a nutshell, users and fans of the brands will be able to interact and create G-Shock watches in VRChat's metaverse. According to Casio, it wants to "encourage a culture of outfitting [virtual] avatars with timepieces" and allow its fans to interact with its watches in new ways.

If you are interested in checking out the store when it goes live, you can get VRChat here.

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