Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomenewsNVIDIA announces huge GenAI update to Jetson Orin, greatly advancing human-robot interaction

NVIDIA announces huge GenAI update to Jetson Orin, greatly advancing human-robot interaction

NVIDIA Jetson Orin

NIVIDA Isaac Robotics platform. Source: NVIDIA

NVIDIA has just rolled out what they're calling their biggest system software update ever to their Jetson ecosystem, which bringsgenerative AI (GenAI) and Metropolis expansionto Jetson Orin anda newROS 2.0 (Robot OS) for the Isaac robotics platform.

The major focus of this update is to bring aboutGenAI capabilities to computer vision processing, like what OpenAIdid for text and images (ChatGPT and DALL-E). NVIDIA hopesthat this will transform the way we interact with autonomous machines as GenAIon edge computing platforms like Jetson Orin will mean faster processing, real-time responsiveness and natural language human-robot interaction.

If you look at the video below, NVIDIA's GenAI-based vision transformer models outperform current CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) models in human and object detection. Zero-shot inference means that the GenAI model is also able to correctly classify objects like type of vehicles and colourwithout prior learning. Again, this is compared to current CNN models that are highly rule-based and require intensive data labelling and multiple neural networks for different models. With GenAI, development cycles are shorter and natural language input means having the ability to contextualiseinput and responses. According to NVIDIA, these new GenAIvision models are more flexible and will outperform CNNmodels in detection, segmentation, tracking, searching and even programming.

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Not only that, NVIDIA claims GenAI processing to be up to 1.7x faster on a Jetson AGX Orin 64GB as compared to an Intel Sapphire Rapids Xeon Platinum 8084+ CPU.

According to Deepu Talla,vice president of embedded and edge computing at NVIDIA,“Generative AI will significantly accelerate deployments of AI at the edge with better generalization, ease of use and higher accuracy than previously possible.”

Besides adding GenAI, NVIDIA is also rolling out a more extensive Metropolis expansion intoJetson Orin as well. While there doesn't seem to be any new updates to Metropolis' features, this expansion means that more Metropilos services and APIs can be directly performed on Orin without going through the cloud. This update is expected to arrive by Dec 2023.

For developers, theJetPack 6 SDKis now slated for a Nov 2023 release, and one of the biggest quality-of-life improvements would be the wider choice for more Linux kernels and distros.

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