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Worried about that rash on your arm? Take a pic and let Google Lens tell you what it really is!

Worried about that rash on your arm? Take a pic and let Google Lens tell you what it really is!

Note: This article was first published on 16th June 2023.

Image source: Google.

Wondering what that rash is on your arm? Well, now Google Lens can tell you if you need to be really worried. The ability to search for skin conditions via Google Lens, is just one of several upgrades Google announced for Lens recently in a blog post.

Google wants to make anything you can see with Lens searchable with simply a picture, screenshot, or long-press on an image you see while browsing, and get a range of visual results to explore.

The following are some of the upgrades Google has made to Lens:

Search for skin conditions

Image source: Google.

Can’t find the words to describe that odd mole or rash on your skin? Fortunately, there’s a new way Lens can help, with the ability to search skin conditions that are visually similar to what you see on your skin. Just take a picture or upload a photo through Lens, and you’ll find visual matches to inform your search. This feature also works if you're not sure how to describe something else on your body, like a bump on your lip, a line on your nails or hair loss on your head. But do note that it can't replace the advice of a doctor or dermatologist.

Learn about the things you see as you go about your day

If you see a cool building or landmark that you don’t recognise, Lens can tell you what you’re looking at and provide links to learn more. Similarly, whether on the road or in your own backyard, discover more about plants and animals you come across but can’t quite identify properly or describe perfectly with words. Lens helps you search what you see and learn all about it — like whether that beautiful plant can grow indoors.

Translate street signs, menus and more into over 100 languages

Ok, not quite that new, but definitely handy if you travel a lot, Lens can help you bridge the language barrier rather than using the Google Translate app. Using the Translate filter in Lens, you can upload or take a picture, or even just point your camera at the text you want to translate, like a menu or a street sign. Lens will automatically detect the written language and overlay the translation on top of it, directly on your phone screen.

Get step-by-step help with homework problems

Parents take note that you may want to keep an eye on your kids using this. If they’re stuck on a homework problem in mathematics, history, or science, tap the “homework help” filter, then snap a picture, and Lens will share instructions on how to solve the problem. The homework help feature also enables users to tackle questions in multiple languages, and they can set their preferred language for search results.

Shop for the products that catch your fancy

Image source: Google.

If you’re browsing on your phone and notice a product that you’d love to get your hands on, users can use Lens to find and buy one of their own. Just take a screenshot and select it in Lens, and you’ll get a list of shoppable matches with links to where you can make a purchase. It also works the same way if they see something they want to buy while they’re out and about. Point their camera with Lens, snap a pic and options from online merchants will appear. You can also use Google’s new Virtual Try-on feature that uses generative AI to produce hyperrealistic images of clothes on people.

Find different versions of products you fancy

Image source: Google.

Maybe those walking shoes would look better in a different colour. Well, Multisearch in Lens lets you combine both words and images to find exactly what you’re looking for. In this case, snap a picture of shoes in Lens and then swipe up to add words to your search (like “blue” or “curtains”). Lens will then show you similar shoes in the colour of your choice or a pattern for your curtains.

Discover delicious food nearby

Image source: Google.

Multisearch in Lens also works for finding things nearby. Let’s say you stumbled across an image of a dish you’re dying to try, but you’re not sure what it’s called. Just pull up that image in Lens and add the words “near me” to your search and Lens will show you nearby restaurants that serve what you’re looking for.

Unleash your creativity with Lens + Bard

As we shared during GoogleI/O 2023, the power of Lens is coming soon to Bard and generative AI. Whether you want to learn more about something you saw or explore completely new ideas in a more visual way, you can partner with Bard to start that journey. In the coming weeks, you’ll be able to include images in your Bard prompts and Lens will work behind the scenes to help Bard make sense of what’s being shown.

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