Wednesday, July 24, 2024
HomenewsSingapore Polytechnic uses Microsoft HoloLens 2 to transform lab learning

Singapore Polytechnic uses Microsoft HoloLens 2 to transform lab learning

Singapore Polytechnic uses Microsoft HoloLens 2 to transform lab learning

Over 500 Chemical & Life Science learners in Singapore Polytechnic will benefit from Microsoft's holographic technology.

As part of Singapore Polytechnic (SP)'s focus in creating a more dynamic and interactive learning environment, it will be using Microsoft's holographic technology to empower students of selected diplomas and its new Common Science Programme (CLS).

SP will be using the Microsoft HoloLens 2 to enable students to interact with virtual representations of physical lab instruments, science concepts, and learning scenarios. The interactive simulations are essential in helping students acquire industry-relevant knowledge, and build confidence in using the instruments and applying the lab processese before competency tests.

Compared to conventional learning environments, the use of mixed reality technology helps improve knowledge retention and promote engagements for students with varying learning styles.

The HoloLens 2 can bring textbook science to life and improve learning curricula with immersive content. In addition, the HoloLens package allows SP to expand their lab facilities beyond the physical labs to the virtual mixed-reality space, which can provide training that was previously limited by the availability of instruments.

The mixed reality technology is expected to benefit over 500 CLS learners annually including Pre-Employment Training (PET) and Continuing Education & Training (CET).

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