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Yahoo’s Year in Review 2023 gives a sneak peek into Singaporean search habits

Yahoo’s Year in Review 2023 gives a sneak peek into Singaporean search habits

Yahoo's logo.

Tis’ the season to be data-driven, with the popular search engines of our lives publishing top search queries by Singaporeans to wrap up an eventful 2023. Yahoo just announced its Year In Review 2023, shortly after Google did theirs.

While both search engines broadly focused on people, major events, and the hottest places, Yahoo’s take on Singaporean search behaviour is mildly different from Google’s.

From top tech brands to top male celebs

Yahoo's Year in Review 2023. Source: Yahoo.

For example, Yahoo has a list of top-searched consumer technology gadgets for 2023 (no prizes for guessing which is #1). It also listed the top-searched technology brands, which must have been painful for them to put Google at #1. Brands like Xiaomi (at #6) and Lenovo (at #7) followed behind.

Yahoo's Year in Review 2023 top tech stuff in 2023
Search Ranking Top 5 Tech Gadgets Top 5 Tech Brands
#1 iPhone 15 Google
#2 Nintendo Switch Amazon
#3 iPad Apple
#4 Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Samsung
#5 Kindle Microsoft

Other exciting collections Yahoo has for its most-searched lists include popular travel searches and top-searched male celebrities by Singaporeans. This makes it easy for the bumling local men to figure out where to bring their partners and how to style themselves better to entice them.

These categories are also joined by more ordinary lists, like the top-searched Singapore business leaders and hot-button news that coloured our year.

Yahoo's Year in Review 2023 top travel stuff in 2023
Search Ranking Most searched travel portals Most searched travel topics
#1 Genting Dream Cruise
#2 Agoda Pan Pacific Hotel Singapore
#3 AirAsia KSL Hotel
#4 Skyscanner Goodwood Park Hotel
#5 Klook Resorts World Sentosa

Yahoo also had other lists catered to specific interests. For example, it looked at Singapore's top-searched soccer/football queries and found Manchester United at the #1 spot, right after Liverpool at #2 and Arsenal at #3.

Before any football fans start foaming at the mouth or beating their chest, know that these are search rankings, which means that these three clubs have fans who are probably better at typing coherently into a search bar. Yahoo also said these search results are just that: it’s not a popularity contest, nor are they votes in any way.

Yahoo Year in Review 2023

Yahoo Year in Review 2023. Source: Yahoo.

Yahoo’s list of trending topics was gathered from anonymised interest patterns, based on search queries, absolute volume, and growth compared to previous numbers for trendspotting.

If you want to know their most-searched Singapore hotels, beauty brands, and blue-chip stocks, you can check out Yahoo’s 2023 Year In Review here.

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