Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomenewsChromebooks will soon get 10 years of automatic updates

Chromebooks will soon get 10 years of automatic updates

Have a Chromebook that was launched in 2021 or later? 10 years of automatic updates are coming!

(Image source: Google)

Chromebooks have been a great asset in the education sector by offering a lean laptop usage experience, complete with easy deployment and management options. Without a Microsoft OS licenseand software costs to pony up, the price of entry-level Chromebooks is a fair bit lower than an equivalent regular laptop. Of course, one can't expect state-of-the-art hardware options within, but if you do have a reasonably balanced configuration Chromebook, consider yourself lucky since Google recently announced that is now offering 10 years of automatic updates!

One of the cornerstones of Chromebooks has been that all its users need not worry about OS managementnor security as Google will push these updates down to your Chromebook, directly. This means you'll always be running an up-to-date system, complete with the necessary security patches. Unlike mobile phones and their unique variants of the Android OS, Chromebooks face none of those uneven support and management problems. All Chromebooks get updated uniformly — as long as it's still within the expiry date.

If you haven't heard, all Chromebooks come with a fixed timeline of support, and until recently, it lasted anywhere between 6.5 to 8 years from the time you purchased the Chromebook.With Google's latest Chromebook update extension announcement, they've specified that all Chromebooks released from 2021, will automatically get 10 years of updates. This change in support timeline will change starting in 2024.

That means a 2021 Chromebook, can potentially be put to good use up to 2031! While we're not sure if the hardware can really last an entire decade, the key thing is that it offers users and those deploying them more flexibility.

For Chromebooks released earlier than 2021, you will have the option to extend the automatic updates to 10 years, from the time of the platform's release date. However, not all the features might be supportedby your Chromebook.

Even if your Chromebook is out of the official support range period, it's not that a Chromebook is not usable after this duration. Google would like to remind its users that Chromebooks havestrong built-in security layers such as verified boot to self-check itself for tampering before its Chrome OS starts up.

(Image source: Google)

Last, but not least, Adaptive Charging support is coming to Chromebooks to help prolong battery health by keeping the charge around the 80% mark.

Source: Google

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