Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomenewsChrome gets faster and smarter with five updates from Google

Chrome gets faster and smarter with five updates from Google

Chrome gets faster and smarter with five updates from Google

Image source: Google.

In a blog post, Google revealed that Chrome is the latest of its products to be updated and improved to help us browse even faster than usual.

According to Google, the company is introducing five new updates to Chrome’s address bar that include smarter autocompletion, automatic typo corrections, searches within bookmark folders, suggestions for popular sites, and even faster results that are easier to read.

This update to Chrome is just the latest from Google that has seen the tech company update Maps, Play Protect, and Chat.

Smarter autocompletion

Image source: Google.

Previously, Chrome would only autocomplete URLs in the address bar if you typed the beginning of one correctly. For example, if you wanted to go to the Google Flights site you had to start typing out Now, you only need to type “flights,” and Chrome will autocomplete to “”

Automatic typo corrections

Image source: Google.

If you misspell a URL name in the address bar, Chrome can now detect those typos and immediately show you suggestions based on your previously visited websites. This new feature is available today for Chrome on desktop, Android and iOS.

Searches within bookmark folders

Image source: Google.

You can now search within your bookmark folders right from the Chrome address bar on desktop and mobile. Just include the folder name in your search, and you’ll see suggestions from that collection.

Suggestions for popular sites

Image source: Google.

There are some websites that are just so popular and are known to Google even if you haven’t visited the site before. Starting today on desktop and mobile, Chrome will suggest popular sites even if you've never visited them or mistyped the URL. So, you can cut out the step of searching for the website in Chrome and clicking on the link in the search results.

Faster, easier-to-read results

Thanks to an improved visual layout, the Chrome desktop address bar is now easier to read. It’s also more responsive, so you’ll get even faster results as soon as you start typing.

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